Saturday, 6 September 2008

Behaviour Driven Development: by Example

To coincide with the release of the wonderful JBehave 2, I have made available an introductory BDD article, Behaviour Driven Development: By Example, using JBehave 2 as the example BDD framework.

The goal of the article is to introduce newcomers to BDD using a worked example, documenting a BDD style development process starting with a story scenario through to working code.

Comments and suggestions for improvements are most welcome.

If you are working in a Java development team who are envious of RSpec's Story Runner, and JRuby is a little too radical for your environment, then JBehave 2 is just what you have been waiting for.

Congratulations to the JBehave 2 team!

1 comment:

Dmitry Kandalov said...

Hi, Ryan.

Some time ago I went through your "BDD by example" article writing code at the same time. It was quite good as introduction to jbehave and I liked idea of the article.

On the other hand it wasn't very easy to write code since there are some parts missing or they are not in the right order. I also found that the code I ended up with was probably not a very convincing usecase for BDD.

To make it more concrete I could, if you want, add some comments and send the code.